As for Warsaw itself, I had a great weekend. I don't understand why the city gets such a bad rap. Perhaps I'm more predisposed to like it – there aren't many American cities with the concentrated beauty and consistent charm of many of the European cities I've visited, and I suppose if you're used to Bath, or Prague or Vienna, then Warsaw is something of a monstrosity. But for an ex-Philadelphian who's risked life and limb navigating the museum district on foot or going to a concert at the Electric Factory, crossing four lanes of speeding inner-city traffic to get to dinner doesn't create a lot of cognitive dissonance. To be totally honest, I find the motorists of Warsaw a lot easier to deal with – and less intimidating – than the cycling hordes of Amsterdam. I also love the air. The city's built on sand – when you cross the Vistula, on the east bank you can actually see a sandy beach – and the air feels saltier and cleaner than in Prague. It was windy this weekend and freezing for August which only enhanced the crispness. Plus it has some green parts, like this park by Mr. P's flat:
The people watching is fab – lots of cool style going on in Warsaw, which seems not to be plagued by the grown-up skater/punk style that haunts Prague – and great bars. We went out with some of Mr. P's new colleagues on Saturday, which ended up being a tour of places I want to go back to – an arty club in the vaulted-ceilinged basement under the Zacheta gallery, and a lounge with fantastic chandeliers and a retro-glam vibe hiding in a courtyard nearby. Early in the day, we went to Praga and found this delightful, artist-haunted and book-filled café in a converted vodka factory (which reminded me of the set of Karamozovi)...
As for now, zpatky do Prahy na práci – I am so behind on work. Which I'm going to start doing. On the train. Right now. After I figure out if the men in my carriage are Czech or Polish. I think they're speaking Czech, but they're reading Polish newspapers. But I can read Polish a bit, so they probably read it very well. But I can't understand them very well. Maybe they're Moravian? Oh the endless joys of Slavic languages.